Dr. Linda Weißer has been Managing Director of NAKO e.V. since 19 August 2024, succeeding Dr. Eike Nolte, who was Managing Director until 1 April 2024.
We would like to thank Dr. Nolte for her dedicated work in the NAKO. She was instrumental in shaping the transition to the third funding period.
Dr. Linda Weißer studied sports and rehabilitation sciences and health sciences in Heidelberg and Munich. She completed her doctorate at the German Cancer Research Centre (DKFZ) in the Department of Clinical Epidemiology and Ageing Research and coordinated the CAESAR study to collect long-term data on cancer survivors. For almost three years, she headed the German National Cohort (NAKO) study centre in Mannheim, where she led the interdisciplinary team of 25 employees in the study centre and also coordinated one of the NAKO’s five MRI sites.
“It is a huge opportunity to further develop the German National Cohort together with our colleagues in Heidelberg, in the nationwide study centres, in the expert groups and together with our partners and sponsors,” says Dr. Weißer, looking forward to the new challenge.
With Dr. Weißer, the German National Cohort (NAKO) has gained a scientist and manager with extensive experience in research and practice in large epidemiological studies. This combination is an ideal prerequisite for coordinating the study centres and at the same time the overarching work with the executive boards, working groups and researchers of the NAKO and leading them into the future.